
Friday, December 11, 2009


Woah.  This crazy freakish cold snap we are having sure is wild to come back to from Florida.  Seems to be okay with Stellita though, we just get her all bundled up & she is happy to show off her two bottom front teeth.

Funny thing, NanaCathy shipped us all of the stuff from Stella's sip & see, some artwork of Topher's Great Uncle, W. Emerton Heitland (from whom Stella takes her middle name) & some old NorthFace jackets that were taking up space in her storage unit.  Don't get to wear that kind of gear in Florida too much, so we said we'd use it.  Didn't realize we'd be using it so soon, though!

So last night we donned the gear & went out to the fountain in the park to slide around on the completely frozen solid water.  I hear they are playing hockey on the ponds in EastMoreland?
I said the other day that I'd take the rain over this bone chilling cold, but now that I am used to it, I kind of like it.  Super refreshing to go for a long walk in the crisp sunshine.  Better than gray rain any day!
And Stella doesn't seem to m ind playing inside as long as she can play in Zeke's old jumperoo.  She LOVES that thing.

Thanks for the jackets NanaCathy!!!!

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