
Thursday, November 26, 2009

Something to be thankful for....

....for just being able to spend this first thanksgiving together in this simplest of ways we are doing it today.

Stella is sick with something she picked up from the plane & we can't go over to Uncle Mark & Norma Jean's house to experience the McGarry Family Thanksgiving in all its glory.

I was really looking forward to that.

Just can't risk that she has something more than just a cold & then expose everyone else to it.  I hate that when people do that to me & my family, so we are not going to be those people.

She doesn't have a fever or anything.  Just cough, runny nose, runny eyes & is on the cranky side of life, but still....some of these new flus start out that way & then get worse so hopefully its just a cold & she'll be better by Sunday for her party.  That is why we flew all the way down here after all!!!!

We have been having a lot of fun with Stella & her blossoming little personality.

We have been having a blast with NanaCathy & Tuffie (her dog) hanging out & eating out & playing Wii & walking about.

Did I mention I got a birdie WHILE breastfeeding????
Stick that in your magazine & print it!

 We did take a family Jacuzzi bath & spend the day on the beach in the sun.

Nice Glasses.

Topher is swinging over to pick up a plate Aunt Norma Jean is putting together for us so we won't starve to death in the condo.  He's also gonna take pictures of the table setting Norma Jean put together because I'll miss that most of all.  Just the sheer ambience of a family dinner with Mark & Norma Jean...

I'm sure we'll find a good movie on HBO On Demand.  I get to catch up on my blogging.  It's just wierd to be all alone with my sick baby on Thanksgiving.  I don't think I have ever in my life been alone on Thanksgiving.

It's all new all the time these days.  Like someone re-wound my clock & started me over at the beginning again.

I really miss all the family laughs & stories & smiles & exchanges that I won't get to experience this Thanksgiving, but I am truly thankful for the fact that I have something like that in my life to be missing in the first place.

To my family here in St. Pete, my family in Portland, my family in LA, my family in San Francisco, my family in Medford, my family in Malaysia, my M4MB family & my family in many other countries & cities & towns all over the world...I raise my glass in CHEERS & Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

M4MB New Album "Rise Up" CD Release Show

All Dressed Up & No Where to GO

That was the theme for that night.

Nov 19 M4 played its 3rd album release & the first fully studio produced album, which we have been working on for at least 3 years.  Seems like longer.

I was super excited to play the album release party & did a bunch of planning so Stella could be involved & then got a baby sitter so Topher & I could have fun playing the late show just like old times.

I guess one thing I am just getting used to now is letting go of all of my expectations of my old life & living fully in this new life as a parent.  That means my #1 priority is keeping my baby happy & healthy instead of what it used to be which was getting amped to play for fans, rocking their socks off, getting all sweaty & saucy & then partying till the chirds start burping.

We definitely had to let go of all of our hopes for this evening.

When we arrived late, missed sound check, Stella cried the entire way to the show & then wouldn't let anyone else but me (and barely me) hold her during the kids matinee.  SO, I danced around with her while Topher played.

Then we hustled all our gear together to whisk her over to the babysitter so we could play the late show at least.

We get there & the babysitter has swine flu, which they said they emailed about but I never rec'd it...sooooo Topher goes home with Stella & I go to play the show.

I was pretty bummed at this point in the evening.

BUT I played really well for not having played with the band on stage for 6 months & even, dare I say, ROCKED it.

nonetheless the powers that be wanted to play the "new" stuff for the 2nd set, so I was asked not to play.
Politics aside I was really ok being in the audience for the 2nd set....even though there weren't really any "new" songs.

All in all just kind of a downer evening.  Although when I was in the crowd I was standing next to a guy who had never seen us play before & he said to me, "I've never seen anything like that, that just changed my life!"

That made it all worth it.

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Trip to Florida ~ Stella's First Plane ride!

NanaCathy is flying us out to Florida for Thanksgiving & for a little "sip & see" party for Stella on Sunday.  But first we have to get there!!!

Will we make it unscathed????

Yesterday we got up at 3:30 am  (UGH ~ after about 2 hours of sleep.  whenever I have to get up that early, I just can't sleep.) & took a cab to the airport for our 6am flight.  Sweet Stella woke up without a peep & just chilled the whole way in the carseat to the airport.  We wound up only checking 2 bags (amazingly with all the extra crap you have to bring!) & were off through security.  I'm surprised they didn't make me put stella through the x-ray machine...they really are excited about security these days!  Anyway when you have a kid its almost easier going through security ~ at least at PDX.  They have a special little family line, you skip right over waiting in the normal person line & get to go right to the front of your own line.  Pretty sweet.

Then we got some warm morning beverages & pastries & headed over to the gate.  I nursed stella for a few minutes & then they called for people with children & first class.  Topher was in the bathroom, so I had to button up, get all the gear together & get over to the gate without another pair of hands.  No worries though, Stella was very cooperative.  So nice to get on the plane with no one else on it too!  & all the stewardesses were so helpful.

Stella slept in her carseat in her own seat on the plane for at least an hour & a half.  Then she woke up & played for a bit & then I nursed her for the remainder of the flight it seemed.  She only cried a little bit here & there when she wanted to nurse or when she'd start getting tired or needed to be changed, but as soon as her needs were met, she was just fine.

There were a bunch of other babies on the plane & they were all really good too!  Must have been a good day to fly for babies!!!  She even cooperated & didn't poop on the plane.  Only pee!  She waited to poop until we landed in Florida!!!  LUCKY.

At our layover in Houston, we really didn't have that much time to dilly dally between flights, so I went & got lunch while Topher changed Stella out of her now stifling hot Pacific NW pajamas & into some cooler clothes.  Before we knew it they were calling for families to board & then....oopsie, rows 20 & above & we missed it.  So, we just hung out until every other person was on the plane & then we boarded.

Still Stella was a trooper.  She went in her carseat again & went to sleep during takeoff.  She woke up about an hour later & then she nursed the entire way to florida after that.

Stella getting some lunch at 35,000 feet.
I wanna submit this photo to "Mothering" magazine.  You know in the beginning section they have all these photos of mamas nursing their newborns in public places all over the world.  I haven't seen one yet of the "mile high club".  Plus my boobs look really good in this one.  Tee hee.  ;)

She slept all through taxi-ing & only woke up as I was leaving the plane with her.  A little dazed but not fussy at all.

We went & changed her & then collected our bags at the carousel.  We must have taken a while because no one else was at our baggage claim area & our bags were just sitting on the ground.  Oh well, we didn't have to wait!

NanaCathy was right there to pick us up & we went off to the store to get some diapers, wet wipes & teething tabs ~ all very needed items!

After that we unloaded our gear at the condo & then headed out for all you can eat sushi with Allison, Topher's sister & Ted, Cathy's friend!  Mmmmmm....
We thought the long day hit Stella at this point because she was pretty fussy at dinner.  When we got back to the condo we realized we were just dumb & too tired to realize she needed her diaper changed.   Poor baby girl!

She slept like a champ & is so sweet & cute.

If I can just figure out a way to make money & travel all the time, I think this kid will do great.

Why is it so much easier for me to mama while I'm traveling than it is when I'm at home???

Friday, November 20, 2009

Happy 6 Month Birthday Stella!!!

I really have to get back into the blogging thing.  I can't believe it has been since Halloween that I posted anything.

Well, my beloved Stellita, Happy 6 month BDAY!  You are celebrating as you should by sleeping soundly & dreaming sweet baby dreams.

The last 6 months have flown by & I can't believe how much things have changed; in our lives as well as in your short little lifespan.

Here's to the next 6 months!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The Three Bears on all Hallows Eve

Stella's first Halloween!
The girl loves a party.  One on friday night & one on Saturday night.
fun fun fun!
Check out the pics on that link!