
Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Beginning the Belly of the Beast

Drive to TUSCON AZ
Parade to “the HUT”
Drive to somewhere in NM

Immediately after the performance, Topher started feeling sick! OH NO!!!! Now the mad wretching spam boat begins sealing the fates of all the rats left in her bowels! We drove in the night to some campsite in New Mexico on the way to TUSCON, and Topher had the double barrel experience in full force that night! He spent a pretty miserable night and all the next day in the throws of the M4 Bug.

We were all pretty whooped when we arrived at our destination in Tuscon. After our late night performance in Santa Fe the night before, we pretty much drove all night, slept for 4 hours, woke up and drove again all day to make a 5pm downbeat for a “parade” in Tuscon. In this blogger’s humble opinion, it may be quite possibly the WORST parade we have ever done. Through no fault of our hosts, no, we were just plain whooped. AND, the parade was on the sidewalk, it was 20 long blocks in stead of the mythical “oh, it’s only a 15 minute, few blocks away walk”….NOPE. SORRY folks. That was a full on hour worth of marching & playing.

When we arrived at the HUT, the WAAAHHHMMbulance was in full effect. Topher’s belly was aching, the horn players lips were aching, the drummers backs were aching, the stilters feet were aching, the dancers were aching?, and the bass player’s pinky was aching. In other words, it was time to git DRINKING!

A few cheap well drinks later, our heroes were back in action & ready for a full set of music to the delight of the street scene in Tuscon. Passing the hat was not going to be enough, so we put out a bucket & with the help of one or our newest beloved members, Dave Clay, juggler & MCEEExtraordinaire, we pulled in a pretty penny for our efforts.

After wards, we had hoped we could crash Gogol Bordello’s show. However, the old parable, better to ask forgiveness than to ask permission came into play. Seems that on the sly, the lead singer, Eugene, had given his “blessing” to John, and we all wanted to go crash it. But John, being the professionally minded individual that he is, finally got through to Mgmt, and the big fat NO came down the pike smashing our dreams of playing with this band that has inspired & rocked us so many times. A few M4thers tried to go anyway, and made it to the afterparty….the rest of us headed back to Robin’s Aunt & Uncle’s house for what else, TROUBLE.

I guess the demon that had lodged itself in my belly needed to be fully exorcised, once & for all. And, my old friend, Jack Daniels was right there to help me out. I don’t drink whiskey. And that night, is why. Top Shelf & I pretty darn near polished off the whole bottle all to ourselves. Yeah. I think it was a full moon? Anyway, that’s my excuse & I’m sticking to it. About 7 of us were raging it into the night (SORRY ROBIN”S AUNT & UNCLE!!!) & laughing & taking absurdly retarded pictures of each other. I also heard that two CUBBY CREEPERS*** (Sid & J’miah) got their Cubbies switched (flubbed) in the night. But I don’t know a damned thing about that. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it.

***The CUBBY CREEPER video & epic HipHopera entitled “Creepin’ on my Cub” will be coming to SNOCAP, iTunes & YouTube very SOON>…It tells the tale of the cubby, the creepah, and the flubby cubby. You’ll see….A cubby is place where you keep your stuff riding the tour bus on this long crazy tour. Your cubby is only sooo big, but a lot of creepers be bringing to much sh*t….that’s when your cubby gets flubby and the creeper gets flubbed!

Super good stuff.

Next day we (well except me…I didn’t make it back into the land of the living until 6pm or so the next day) awake to a bagel & egg casserole breakfast for champions & then were off to………………

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