Colorado Springs to Oakland to Santa Cruz to San Francisco to Minneapolis to Chicago....
Topher & I took a little detour & went to our great friends' David & Sara's wedding in La Selva CA for a few days. It was really nice to get off the bus for a few days & eat some actual food & get some actual sleep. As they say in spain, "It's nice
to do nothing all day, and then rest." HOWEVE it sounds like we missed some of the best gigs in Denver & Fort Collins where the crowd had over 4000!!! Sounds like M4 Rocked it though, (OF COURSE!) even without yours truly & my better half. It's nice to know you aren't needed in times like that. I would have hated to be responsible for a less than lustrous show in front of that many people. Big props to Tall boy who stepped up & played lead snare, and to Ashley who flew out to play bass drum so Tall boy could switch to snare. YOU ROCK!!!!!!!!!! The wedding was great though, and was nice to see old friends & eat lots of good food (did I already say that??? I must really have loved the food!) The property in La Selva was
completely inspiring & amazing. Looking out over the Bay on 10 acres from up on a
hill, the compound houses 3 families, all with thier own houses, and one common house with a great bath house, commercial grade kitchen facility & common area. All the structures were built to look like rustic barns and have very open, easy floor plans with great gardening & arbors & outdoor fireplaces....i could go on & on. Topher & I have often dreamed of such a place. To go in on some land with a few close friends & be self-sustaining is a dream I hope we can someday manage to realize. After the wedding we headed back to San Francisco to stay with
Erene & Chris (sister & bro in law) for a few days. The band was traveling from Denver to Minneapolis (3 days drive) so we didn't miss any shows. We went to the beach,
took naps, read, did some work (thanks LapTop!) ate food & generally hung out. Its pretty amazing how you can really not do a whole lot and still be busy! Topher got some surfing & motorcycle riding in while we were there, although the flying was not to be had. We had a final blow out SUSHI dinner in Oakland with Sara, David, Erene, Chris, Topher & I where we realized we are all SOOOOOOO MARRIED! IT was pretty funny. All the old married fuddy duddies sitting around talking about our next real estate investment, and strategies to rearrange our existing assets in order to achieve our dream of owning a piece of land like the one in La Selva. That feeling didn't last long though. At 4 am, we were up & off to Minneapolis. Our plane landed around 1:30pm & we were wisked away by my dear friend MaryP. She gave us a whirl
wind tour of Her fair City. Complete with the real estate tour of the rich & famous (Josh Harden, Bobby McFarrin, Prince). Minneapolis is real cute & has a rich history. We visited the Guthrie Theatre & saw the 35W that collapsed a few weeks ago. We ate at a local diner & then headed back to Mary P's studio/crash pad in a great artist building. After a short nap (getting up at 4 am kicked my BUTT!), we got ready for our show at the Foundation downtown Minneapolis. We marched around & gathered a crowd & had a pretty good crowd (THOSE 82 people really ROCKED !!!) Thanks MINNEAPOLIS!!! After the show, the usual party madness begins, and we all wound up back at Mary P's for party time. I had to hit the hay, don't quite have my rockstar head on yet, but it must have been a good one, because all the paintings in MaryP's studio were upside down when I went in to brush my teeth the next morning!!!! We're on the road to Chicago, crossing the great state of Wisconsin. The road stretches out before us, the great movie screen window of the Spam Boat shining bright with the Autumn sun. Waves of corn & wheat fields lapp the edges of the freeway like a sea of golden green. I'm content to listen to my music on my headphones as I type the road away beneath my feet. Not quite feeling like I'm "back in the groove" just yet. It's hard to step away just when you start getting your sea legs, and then re-insert yourself. We have two gigs tonight in Chicago, that will probably do it.
Hey! i know that land in La Selva! my best friend's dad used to live there, and i used to work with Mary at a Chiropractic office in Santa Cruz. is it the one that Nikki and Charles, and Mary and Madie and Grace live? sounds like the same one. it's always been my dream to live there, and i've had two sets of great friends get married there.
it sounds like you all are having an amazing time... i can't wait to meet up with you in NY!! see you soon
That's cool. I only met one of the people that lives there & his name was Chris. My friend Sara Prentiss-Shaw's Aunt lives there. I know. It is a dreamy place. See you in a few DAYS!!!!!!
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