Well, we have officially left the familiar, parental shores of the west coast for less traveled, but eagerly awaited turf on which to unleash our musical mayhem.
We left LA with the sluggish trepidation of a giant hissing cockroach. With our all new luggage rack on top to stow our camping items, we threw caution to the wind that we would not have to pass under any bridge less than 13’, and with all our gear, pass over any bridge that would not be able to hold any more than 36,000 lbs. Our 9 hour drive to Flagstaff slowly turned into an 11 hour journey with stops & such, and our hosts met us most graciously, bright eyed & bushy tailed at 2 am to put us up with beds, mats, bedrooms for some (including yours truly….FINALLY!!!...after a week a bedroom with a door to call my own!), and a much needed nights rest. Our show at the Mogollon Brewery the next day was not until 9pm, so we had a leisurely day of shopping & exploring the beautiful town of
I also had an opportunity that day to take a NAP! Much needed, as I seem to have come down with the M4 crud. Achiness, stuffy head, can’t breath, feel like you are going to die…The peace of having my own room & bed did me wonders, THANKS DIEDRE & JIM!!!!!
We met over at the main house where everyone was staying around 5 pm for a BBQ supplied supplied by our hosts. Which, in true M4 locust style, was devoured within minutes.
Afterwards, we packedup, puton & pushedoff to the Mogollon Brewery where we paraded around town, gathered up quite a nice crowd & rocked the house for a full set of sweat & swarthiness. Old friends, new fans & old all made for a really fun show. THANKS
Next morning, after rocking out until 2 or 3????AM, we have a 8 am bus call, for our 9 hour drive to PENASCO, NM (just outside of Taos) where we are going to play a show at the Penasco Theatre at 9pm. I pretty much rolled out of bed & rolled back into a bunk on the bus & spent the first part of the day catching up on some sleep. Gotta get it where you can on tour, and this was going to be one long day.
In our mathematical wizardry, we forgot that we changed time zones in NM, and we wound up being 1 hour late for our gig…but, we still had a great crowd at the Penasco Theatre waiting for us when we arrived, where many like-minded spirits, acrobats, aerial artists & musicians reside.
This great little community came to life, and seemed to party into the night. As my head hit my pillow in my tent we set up outside the theatre in a cute little cottonwood grove, my ears still ringing with the triumphant sounds of an M4 encore, I thanked all the energy & enthusiasm this
community brought to our show. They fed us amazing food, put us up for the night, and treated us like family.
In the morning, Topher & I awoke to a completely soaked tent. Thunderstorms, pounding rain & lightening had filtered through our dreams & so, we schlooped our soaked gear over to the restaurant/theater awning to dry out before Bus Call at Noon. Seems the restaurant didn’t open until 11:30 am, and it was the ONLY thing in town, so we were all going to have to wait to eat until we got to
SO, what do a bunch of M4thers do as they are waiting for the rain to stop so they can load their camping gear on the bus rack??? Play with the Marquee of course!!!! I believe we have a new name! I’ll make a poll out of it, but I think my favorite new name for M4 is Chem Froth & the Mad Wretching Spam Boat.
That day we drove to Taos for lunch & ate like we've been marooned on a desert island for a year. See our happy full-bellied faces???
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